Learning Through Play: Toys Recommendations for Kids Aged 3 months to 5 years by MM PHYSIO’s Pediatric Physiotherapist, Pooja Vyas

Growing kids are like little sponges – eager to soak up knowledge and experience at every turn. Toys can offer more than just fun and entertainment; they are educational tools that can shape a child’s cognitive, motor, and social development. MM PHYSIO’s distinguished Pediatric Physiotherapist, Pooja Vyas, shares her insights on the right toys to maximize learning and growth.

1. Toys for Infants (3 months to 12 months):

a. Rattles and Teething Toys:
Beyond sensory experiences, these toys enhance infants’ grasp reflex and teach cause and effect as they realize the sound produced upon shaking.

b. Soft Blocks:
These colored blocks not only stimulate visual development but also introduce concepts of shapes, sizes, and spatial relationships.

c. Tummy Time Mats:
Encouraging active play, these mats teach babies about textures and movement while building essential muscles.

2. Toys for Toddlers (1 year to 3 years):

a. Pull and Push Toys:
Beyond aiding balance and coordination, these toys introduce toddlers to concepts of motion, speed, and direction.

b. Large Puzzles:
Solving puzzles boosts cognitive development, teaching toddlers about matching, sequencing, and problem-solving.

c. Building Blocks:
Here, children start understanding structures, stability, and can even begin counting and recognizing patterns.

3. Toys for Pre-Schoolers (3 years to 5 years):

a. Balance Bikes:
They don’t just improve physical balance; they also teach kids about safety, control, and navigation.

b. Art Supplies:
These aren’t just for fun. Kids learn about colors, shapes, symmetry, and even express their emotions and thoughts.

c. Pretend Play Sets:
From kitchen sets to doctor kits, these toys build social skills and foster an understanding of various real-world roles.

Pooja Vyas underscores that each toy, besides offering amusement, imparts valuable lessons to kids. However, she also reminds caregivers to ensure toys are safe, age-appropriate, and free from potential hazards.

Visit MM PHYSIO: Address: 50 Hopeton Street, Cambridge, ON. Phone: 519-267-0495. Website: ptmovementmasters.com

If you’re seeking specialized advice on aiding your child’s development or have concerns, consider scheduling an appointment with Pooja Vyas. Our dedicated pediatric physio at MM PHYSIO Cambridge is always ready to provide tailored guidance to ensure your child thrives.